Money back guarantee
Buy one of our logo packages with confidence, with our logo design guarantee
100% money back / within stage 1
A logo design guarantee to give you the assurance to buy one of our packages
We believe a money-back guarantee builds trust between us, and it is great for you because it takes away the element of risk.
We have offered this logo design guarantee since we started back in 2001 and during that time we have had to honour it a few times. But we have established a logo design service that works so we are prepared to take a few risks ourselves.
The risk we take is the bad client. The client who’s just using us to bounce ideas. The one that doesn’t take into account the cost of the debit or credit card transaction, or consider the time it takes us to work on and present our initial concepts. Then there is the human element, logo designers are artistic soles who put their heart into each and every project. They will have spent many hours thinking about and working on the initial concepts we send to you.
But stuff happens, changes of circumstance, acts of god, sometimes we just can’t find that idea that ignites the spark in you. We understand that so …
In the event that you do not wish to continue with our service we can offer refunds as follows:
- If at any time during stage one, that is up to the time that you ask us to develop a chosen design, you wish to terminate our services, please let us know by email.
- We will contact you to get feedback on the designs and our service before the refund can be issued.
- After commencement of Stage Two we offer no refunds.
- All artwork and images shown sent to clients, remains the intellectual property of LogoPro until such time as LogoPro has sent official notification of transfer of rights.
- Any infringement of LogoPro’s copyright will be actively pursued through legal channels.